# 饮料 # This time I bought a big box for 15% off 饮料 I have bought Jiaduobao Vita milk tea before, just two words - delicious! And Vitasoy is finally restocked... It used to be out of stock every time it was discounted! This time, I tried the milk tea from the Vita series, and it was so delicious! ! It is the taste of Hong Kong-style milk tea. It is not very sweet, but the milk tea tastes very strong, and it is crazy to call! ! Friends who love to drink Hong Kong-style milk tea, don't miss it! !
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# 饮料 # 这次85折买了一大箱饮料 加多宝维他奶茶啥的之前都买过,就是俩字 — 好喝!而且维他奶终于补货了…之前每次一打折就断货! 这次额外尝试了维他系列的奶茶,好喝到爆!!就是港式奶茶的味道,不是很甜,但是奶茶味很浓,疯狂打call!!爱喝港式奶茶的小伙伴们不要错过了!!