# 家有萌宠大曝光 #My two ragdoll cats are probably two fools. My brother is three years old and my sister is one year old. Every time I sleep until midnight, they start running on me. I eat as much as pigs, and the shit shovel officer can't afford to eat himself, and he has to buy freeze-dried for the two ancestors' babies. Fortunately, they are two clingy little guys. They have spent countless lonely days with me. Their skills: shaking hands, rolling, bowing, pretending to be dead, they are like raising two dogs. Luckily, I just hope they can stay healthy and healthy all the time!
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# 家有萌宠大曝光 #我家这两只布偶猫,大概是两个傻子,哥哥三岁,妹妹一岁,每次睡到半夜就开始在我身上跑酷。吃的更猪一样多,铲屎官自己都吃不起饭了,还要给这两祖宗宝宝买冻干。 还好他们是两个粘人的小家伙,陪我度过了不知道多少个孤独的日子,会的技能: 握手、打滚,作揖,装死,堪比养了两只狗,有他们我真幸运,只希望他们可以一直健健康康的!