🌹🌹Snail noodle is one of my favorites My heart, everyone in my family likes it. When I don’t have the desire to cook, when I don’t know what to eat for a late night snack, come to Baoluobawang, and make sure to come back to life with full blood hahaha😂😂😂 Look at the eight packs I bought in a group last time There is only one pack now, you know I am not exaggerating😍😍 🌹🌹 The reason why I have to take out this package of snail powder and dry it for drying is because ~~ Did you notice that this package of snail powder contains a small packet of peanuts in addition to the normal seasoning package and side dish package 😂 😂😂 uh, is it a small win 🤣🤣 🌹🌹Simply cook it, put all the ingredients in the package, sprinkle a handful of my favorite lettuce before serving, make egg drop, um, the smell is fragrant, and I have to wait for me to finish this packet of snail noodles when I cook it for a fairy Slightly~~~~~🤣🤣 # 下厨秘密武器 # # 什么值得买 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation0578c09f18892abb399a
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yami_featured_image 🌹🌹螺蛳粉,是我当仁不让的下厨秘密武器之一,现在无疑是我最喜欢的方便食品了,方便面已经在我心里没有地位了🤣🤣而我最爱的螺蛳粉吃来吃去还是螺霸王最得我心,家里人人都喜欢,没有做饭欲望的时候,夜宵不知道吃什么的时候,来包螺霸王吧,保证满血复活哈哈哈😂😂😂看看上次我拼团买的八包现在只有一包了,你就知道我不是夸张了😍😍 🌹🌹之所以一定要把这包螺蛳粉拎出来晒晒,是因为~~~大家注意到没有,这包螺蛳粉配料里除了正常的调料包配菜包之外,多了一小包花生米😂😂😂呃,算是小中奖吗🤣🤣 🌹🌹简简单单煮好,所有配料包放进去,出锅前撒一把我喜欢的生菜,打个蛋花,嗯,香味扑鼻,给个神仙做也要等我吃完这包螺蛳粉再说咯~~~~🤣🤣 # 下厨秘密武器 # # 什么值得买 # # 亚米厨房 #