# 春日面膜打卡 # Check in on the first day and use my favorite Mystery of Fresh Muscle Cord Blood Mask This mask is super thin and super compliant Both hydrating and moisturizing, suitable for sensitive skin. The mask paper is American DuPont silk mask paper, which is ultra-thin and fits very well. The essence is 40g, and the skin absorbs it very quickly. It mainly promotes the secretion and metabolism of sweat glands, increases the oxygen content of the skin, hydrates and moisturizes, removes freckles and brightens, lifts and tightens, repairs sensitive skin, and achieves the effect of maintaining and conditioning the skin. Personally, I still recommend it, and those who haven't used it can try it. ❤️
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# 春日面膜打卡 # 第一天打卡,用我最爱的鲜肌之谜脐带血面膜 这款面膜超薄超服帖 既补水又滋润,敏感肌也适用。 面膜纸是美国杜邦蚕丝面膜纸,超薄,服帖度很好,精华液有40g,皮肤吸收得也很快。 主要促进汗腺分泌与新陈代谢,使肌肤含氧量上升,补水保湿,祛斑提亮,提拉紧致,修复敏感肌肤,达到保养调理肌肤的功效。 个人还是蛮推荐的,没使用过的宝宝们可以尝试一下。❤️