# 最美妈妈 # # #母婴 # Love yourself more when you are pregnant! Stretch marks should be prevented early~ 🍼 for the baby. The little sisters who have used all kinds of feeding bottles recommend Beiqin's, so buy a new baby first to stock up. Ordered on the 4th/9th, Japan direct mail, finally received on the 4th/20th.
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# 最美妈妈 # # #母婴 # 怀孕了要更爱自己!妊娠纹要早早预防~ 给宝宝准备的🍼。用过各种奶瓶的小姐妹推荐贝亲的,所以先买一个新生儿用的来囤着。 4/9号下单,日本直邮,4/20号终于收到了。