# 春日面膜打卡 #DiDiDi, the first day of check-in, this is my newly bought mask, which just arrived today, let me talk about my feeling of using the spring rain black mask first. It is also very comfortable. When I took off the mask, I felt that my skin was very tender. I was the most beautiful boy on the street. The most important thing is that I have dry skin and sensitive skin. I am not allergic to using this mask. It's safe, so the Spring Rain Black Mask won my heart! like 😘
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# 春日面膜打卡 #滴滴滴,打卡第一天,这是我最近新买的面膜,今天刚到货,先来说一下我用春雨黑面膜的感受,第一次用的感觉就是很服帖,面膜纸也很舒服呀,当揭下面膜的那一刻,觉得自己皮肤好嫩,自己就是这条街上最靓的仔儿,最主要的是本人是干皮敏感肌,用这款面膜不过敏,很安全,所以春雨黑面膜深得我心啊!喜欢😘