# 快乐宅零食清单 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 我的早餐打卡 # yolk cakes lovers finally received a package from China's direct mail! I bought the super hot ramen and said, the coveted cuttlefish egg yolk crisp and the salted egg yolk flavored egg yolk crisp. The first one to take apart is, of course, the egg yolk crisp. Each one is not small, and it is enough to make a small afternoon snack. I like a layer of mochi (also called Xuemei Niangpi) in it, because it has a salted egg yolk flavor, it is not particularly sweet, and it won my heart!
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# 快乐宅零食清单 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 我的早餐打卡 # 蛋黄酥爱好者终于收到了来自中国直邮的包裹!买了超火的拉面说,觊觎很久的墨鱼蛋黄酥和咸蛋黄口味的蛋黄酥。 第一个拆的当然是蛋黄酥啦。每一个都不小,做一顿午后小点妥妥是够了。最喜欢里面有一层麻薯(也叫雪媚娘皮),因为是咸蛋黄口味,没有特别甜,深得我心!