# 春日面膜打卡 # Drop... clock in for the fifth day! Today I went to take pictures with my sister. I'm so busy, I only have 10 minutes left after taking a shower! I quickly put on the lazy mask and blow-dry my hair. Please ask my mother to drive the car and then put on makeup on the car, no eyeliner 😂 After use, the base makeup is very docile. *Remind the beauties, the lazy mask is more irritating to the skin. Those with sensitive skin should be careful 💕 After taking the photo, I had a big meal with my family and fell asleep when I got home 😂🐷, to me she was the legendary pig girl. It's midnight and I can't take it anymore at 2 or 3 o'clock. I got up, just removed my makeup, brushed my teeth 😂 and then used the time I wrote this to get rid of the lululun mask. Go to bed 💕💕💕😘
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# 春日面膜打卡 # 滴…打卡第五天! 今天我跟妹妹去照照片。我忙忙呵呵的,洗完澡就剩下了10分钟!我赶紧糊上了懒人面膜吹头发。拜托妈妈开的车然后在车上上的妆,眼线都没画😂用完后底妆很服帖哦。*提醒美女们,懒人面膜比较刺激皮肤。皮肤敏感者慎入💕 照完后我跟家里人大吃一顿,到家就睡过去了😂🐷,对我就是传说中的猪猪女孩。半夜了现在2,3点钟实在受不了的我,爬了起来,刚刚卸妆,刷牙😂然后用我写这个的功夫熬了lululun面膜。 睡觉去了哦💕💕💕😘