# 春日面膜打卡 # Punch on the thirteenth day. Glamglow Black Cleansing Mask. A smear-type mask that has a strong mint smell after opening. How to use: After washing your face with water, apply the mask to the whole face or the parts that need deep cleaning. After about 2 minutes, the mask will dry and turn gray, the face will feel tight, mint smell, and the face will also feel cool. . The mask can be washed off after 5-20 minutes. It is recommended to use it no more than 3 times a week, and try to avoid direct sunlight on the skin after use. Personally, I think the cleaning effect is good, but as a dry and sensitive skin, I feel that it has a lot of power to take away moisture. Once a week is enough. If it is oily and acne-prone skin, it may be a more suitable cleansing mask.
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# 春日面膜打卡 # 打卡第十三天。 Glamglow黑色清洁面膜。涂抹式的一款面膜,开盖后有一股很浓的薄荷味。 使用方法:清水洗脸后,将面膜涂在全脸或者需要深层清洁的部位,大约2分钟后,面膜会变干,呈现灰色,脸部会有紧绷的感觉,薄荷味道,脸部也有清凉感。5-20分钟后即可洗去面膜。一周建议使用不超过3次,使用后尽量避免阳光直射皮肤。 个人觉得清洁效果不错,但作为干敏皮感觉带走水分力量也很大,一周一次足矣,如果是油皮痘痘肌也许更适合的一款清洁面膜。