# 春日面膜打卡 # Day 12 of face mask Use a new mask today - Mandan Baby Mask The blue one is hyaluronic acid hydrating mask The weather has turned hot recently, and my skin feels a little dry, so I'm going to try a new mask tonight. This mask paper is not thin, it feels astringent, but not sticky. The serum is just right. Also, the design is so special that it suits all face shapes. This mask not only tightens and hydrates, but also shrinks pores. I want to have baby skin too 🤗 Babies with sensitive skin can also use it! Some parents may think that the hyaluronic acid mask smells bad, but this one has a good smell, it is not too heavy, and it’s okay to put it on! A box of 5 tablets, I saw that many people say that it is very useful, and I also think it is pretty good. Just not used to its design for the time being 🤣
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# 春日面膜打卡 # 面膜打卡第十二天 今天用一下新面膜-曼丹婴儿面膜 蓝色款是玻尿酸补水面膜 最近天气开始转热,感觉皮肤有点干,今晚就来试试新面膜。 此款面膜纸不是薄款,涩手感,但不黏。 精华液刚刚好。 还有就是这款的设计好特别,适合各种脸型。 这款面膜不仅可以紧致补水,还有收缩毛孔效果。 我也要拥有宝宝肌🤗 敏感肌的宝宝也可以用哦! 有些亲可能觉得玻尿酸的面膜气味都不好闻,这款的气味还好,气味不重,敷上了也还好! 一盒5片,看见好多人都说很好用,我也觉得蛮好的。只是暂时还不习惯它的设计🤣