👩🏻‍🍳 Delicious and not afraid of getting fat | Low sugar and low oil healthy green juice 🌿 Chifeng cake ———————————————————————— Wugumofang prebiotic green juice powder bought last week🌿 I have been drinking these days because it has added fruit ingredients So it is very good to have a high degree of acceptance in the mouth. It is delicious to drink milk or warm water! And after drinking it in the past few days, I found that the effect is better than that of barley leaves 🤭 Green juice has the effect of detoxification and beauty, and can also moisten the intestines to improve physical fitness Every time I drink it, it is very comfortable. If you have constipation, you can try it~ The taste of barley if the leaf is not as good as this one is also 🤭 • If you don't like drinking directly, you can try making a cake~ Reduced the amount of sugar and oil, still very moist, fluffy and delicious! You can eat it with confidence without fear of high calorie and high fat~ The cake with green juice exudes a light fragrance and fruity aroma! Nutritious and healthy to satisfy your stomach that wants to eat sweets and not afraid of gaining weight! Because the amount of sugar is very small, the taste is very light and not sweet~ • prepare 👇🏻 ·Low-gluten flour 50g ·Two bags of green juice 20g ·Unsweetened soy milk 60g ·White sugar 20g ·Coconut oil 15g ·Four eggs practice👇🏻 Step1. Separate the egg white protein into a water-free and oil-free bowl, add sugar-free soy milk and melted coconut oil to the egg yolk and mix well, then sift in the low-gluten flour and two packets of green juice powder and mix well until there is no powder. Step2. Beat the egg whites, add the caster sugar in three times, and beat the egg whites until the egg whites have small hooks. Step3. Add 3/1 of the egg white to the egg yolk paste, gently scrape and mix evenly to avoid defoaming, then pour all the egg yolk paste into the egg white paste and continue to scrape and mix evenly. Pour the mixed cake paste into the mold and shake gently Bake in a preheated oven at 320°F for 40 minutes. After cooling, it can be demolded and cut~ # 亚米厨房 # # 我的早餐打卡 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 春日粉色即正义 #
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yami_featured_image 👩🏻‍🍳 好吃不怕胖 | 低糖低油健康青汁🌿戚风蛋糕 —————————————————————— 上礼拜买的五谷磨房益生元青汁粉🌿 我这几天都有在喝因为它添加了水果成分 所以很好入口接受度很高泡牛奶或温水都好喝! 而且这几天饮用下来发觉效果比大麦若叶好🤭 青汁有着排毒养颜的功效还可以润肠道改善体质 每次饮用完都很舒畅如果有便秘的朋友可以试试~ 之前喝过大麦若叶口味不及这一款效果也是🤭 • 如果不喜欢直接饮用的朋友可以试着做成蛋糕~ 减少了糖和油的用量依旧很湿润松软很好吃! 可以放心的食用完全不用惧怕高热量高脂肪~ 加了青汁的蛋糕散发着淡淡的清香和水果香气! 营养又健康满足自己想要吃甜食的胃还不怕长胖! 因为糖的用量很少所以味道非常清淡不甜~ • 准备👇🏻 ·低筋面粉 50g ·青汁两袋 20g ·无糖豆浆 60g ·白砂糖 20g ·椰子油 15g ·鸡蛋 四颗 做法👇🏻 Step1.蛋清蛋白分离在无水无油的碗里,蛋黄内加入无糖豆浆和融化好的椰子油混合均匀,再筛入低筋面粉和两包青汁粉拌匀至无粉状。 Step2.打发蛋白,分三次加入细砂糖,将蛋白打发至提起打蛋器蛋白有小弯钩即可。 Step3.取3/1的蛋白加入蛋黄糊,轻轻刮拌均匀避免消泡,再将蛋黄糊全部倒入蛋白糊中继续刮拌均匀,将混合好的蛋糕糊倒入模具里,轻轻震出大气泡,烤箱预热320华氏度烘烤40分钟。冷却后脱模切件即可~ # 亚米厨房 # # 我的早餐打卡 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 春日粉色即正义 #