emmm, my mother's cooking, it's not very delicious, but it's also a taste from childhood to adulthood (objection from my father: it's obviously me who's cooking!) When it comes to my mother's specialty dish, the first thing that comes to mind is tomato egg noodles. Simple, and not easy to make. 🌼Cut the tomatoes into the hot oil pan, stir fry until the tomatoes are mushy and the red soup is rumbling. At this time, add a beaten egg, stir fry the egg and tomato together, add some salt and chicken essence to taste. 🍽Mixing it into the cooked noodles or adding water to make it under the soup are all excellent. 🤔 Well, this is my method, my mother may not be able to make such delicious tomato egg noodles. # 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 #
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emmm,妈妈做菜呀,没有很好吃,不过也是从小吃到大的味道(来自爸爸的反对声:明明都是我在做饭!) 说到妈妈的拿手菜,第一个想到的是番茄鸡蛋面。简简单单,也很不容易做得不好吃。 🌼把番茄切块下到热油锅里,翻炒到番茄稀烂,红色的汤汁咕噜噜响。这时候加个打好的鸡蛋,翻炒让鸡蛋和番茄融合在一起加点盐和鸡精调味。 🍽拌进煮好的面里或者加水做成汤下面,都是极好的说。 🤔好了,这是我的做法,妈妈可能做不出这么好吃的番茄鸡蛋面。 # 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 #