When I returned to China some time ago, I found a particularly popular product-ramen said! The sales on Ma's father are super high, and they are all popular on Yami. However, when I returned to China before, I found that there was pork in it and I didn't buy it, so I couldn't pass the customs, so I had to buy it at a price 5 times higher than the domestic price after returning to the United States... I ate it in a hurry yesterday, and I am really disappointed. The following is my review (the taste is more personal, for reference only). Out of 5 stars. Packaging: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 It's very tall, it makes me want to buy it. The materials inside are packaged and clean, and there is also a Japanese style. Material Richness: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Everything that should be there: soup buns, ramen, fungus, bamboo shoots, barbecued pork, seaweed, tonkotsu soup buns, red ginger, chopped green onion, sesame seeds. The only thing missing is the soft-hearted egg, but the braised egg in the general material package is relatively hard, I don't like it, so it's not bad. Face: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 The noodles are still good, relatively thin, but not the kind of thin ramen noodles in Japan, a little Chinese-style ramen noodles, with a moderate degree of strength. Ingredients: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Bamboo shoots are delicious; char siu is in the form of dried pork, unexpectedly not bad; I don't like fungus, it's a little sticky..; it is recommended not to put red ginger in soup, it is more reasonable to eat it as a side dish Soup: 🌟🌟🌟 The thing that disappoints me the most is the soup. Generally speaking, the soup of tonkotsu ramen is very important. The soup mentioned in ramen is really much worse than the soup of Japanese marutai and Ichiran instant noodles. I also bought five other flavors this time, and I have the opportunity to evaluate them all. If the same is true for the signature flavors, I don’t hold out much hope, and it is estimated that I will not repurchase them in the future. #2018剁手黑榜 # #国货种草愿望清单 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation4d1935f7f99c4eacba
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前段时间回国发现了一件特别火的产品—拉面说!马爸爸上销量超级高,都火到亚米上了。然而之前回国因为发现里面有猪肉没买,海关过不了,只好回到美国后以高出国内5倍的价格买了...... 昨天兴冲冲的吃了,讲真有点失望,以下是我的点评(口味比较个人,仅供参考)。满分5星。 包装:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 很高大上,让人很想买。里面的材料包装的和干净,也有日料风。 材料丰富度: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 该有的都有了:汤料包、拉面、木耳、笋、叉烧、海苔、豚骨汤包、红姜、葱花、芝麻。唯一缺的可能就是溏心蛋了,不过一般材料包里带的卤蛋都比较硬,我不喜欢,所以没差。 面:🌟🌟🌟🌟 面还是不错的,比较细,但不是日本那种细拉面,有点中式的拉面口感,劲道程度中等。 食材:🌟🌟🌟🌟 笋很好吃;叉烧是猪肉干的形式,意外还不错;不喜欢木耳,有点粘..;红姜片建议不要放入汤里,还是当小菜吃比较合理 汤:🌟🌟🌟 最让我失望的就是汤了,一般豚骨拉面的汤头很重要,拉面说的汤真的比起日本的marutai和一兰的速食面汤头差很多,不够香,还死咸... 这次我还买了其他五种口味,有机会全部评测一下,不会如果连招牌的口味也是如此,我并不抱太大希望,估计以后也不会回购了。 # 2018剁手黑榜 # # 国货种草愿望清单 # # 我要当测评官第4期 #