[Cool May🌸 Evaluation Report] Running Stone Sportswear/Pants Hello little fairies, let's get rid of the belly, radish legs and butterfly arms with the little time of summer vacation. Recently, Yamibuy's self-operated products have launched the sleeveless fitness vest and hip-lifting yoga pants of the domestic brand "Running Stone". The price is very affordable, you deserve it! I am 178 and weigh 135-140 pounds (occasionally eat too much to 150 but will lose it). With the long legs that everyone envy, I bought size M. It is enough for girls of ordinary height to recommend S size, because it is elastic, so both length and width are suitable! When I am in China, I usually buy clothes very fast. When I enter the store, I ask if there are 175 92A size clothes. I will not try any clothes below this size, because it will definitely be small. So this time when I bought the M size, I was even more frightened. Fortunately, after receiving the goods, I found that the elastic fabric fits very well. It is particularly worth mentioning that the trousers are very thick, and they are not afraid of being too thin to leak the hips (you know what I mean). In winter, girls who love beauty can wear an oversize sweater and these trousers to go out! Perfect Leggings + Sports Pants + Warm Pants 3 in 1↖(^ω^)↗ Pants Material: 76% Nylon, 14% Polyester, 10% Spandex Vest material: 90% nylon, 10% spandex The vest is a little thinner than the pants, but the shape is still good. Wear a sports bra and match it with this small vest when exercising. The high waist design of the trousers can completely cover the belly button, and the outdoor exercise is not afraid of the cold wind blowing the stomach. In order to be afraid of shrinking, I specially washed the washing machine, and then tried it on and found that there was no shrinkage. Maybe I don't have a hip lift, so there is no butt lift effect. But for the thick material, I especially like these pants~ Support domestic products to support Yami, since Wang Yami can add more and more new styles. # 春日粉色即正义 # # 防晒我选它 # # 凉凉好物推荐 # # 国货种草愿望清单 #
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yami_featured_image 【凉凉五月🌸测评报告】Running Stone运动衣/裤 Hello小仙女们,逞着暑假还差那点一丢丢的时间赶紧运动起来甩掉小肚腩,萝卜腿和蝴蝶臂啦~ 近期亚米的自营产品里上线了国货品牌《Running Stone》的无袖健身背心以及提臀瑜伽裤。价格很亲民,你值得拥有! 本人身高178,体重135-140磅(偶尔吃多了飙到150但会减下去的)。拥有着众人羡慕的大长腿等我买了M号。普通身高的女生推荐S码就够了,因为有弹性所以长度和宽度都适用!我在国内正常时候我买衣服很速度的,进店先问有没有175 92A规格衣服,低于此码一概不试,因为绝对会小。所以这次买M码时候我还惊心胆战了一番。好在收到货后发现弹性十足的面料非常合身。特别值得一提的是裤子,非常厚实,不怕太薄漏臀部(懂我意思吧)冬天爱美的姑娘穿件oversize毛衣搭配这裤子就能出门了!完美的打底裤+运动裤+保暖裤三合一↖(^ω^)↗ 裤子材质:76%锦纶,14%涤纶,10%氨纶 背心材质:90%锦纶,10%氨纶 背心比起裤子稍微单薄了一些但形状还是不错的,运动健身时穿上运动bra后搭配这个小背心。裤子高腰设计完全可以遮住肚脐眼,室外运动不怕冷风吹着肚子着凉了。 为了怕缩水我特意洗衣机过水了一下,之后再试穿发现并无缩水。可能我没有翘臀所以不存在的提臀效果。但冲着厚实的材质我特别钟意这裤子~ 支持国货支持亚米,自王亚米能更多多上新更多款式。 # 春日粉色即正义 # # 防晒我选它 # # 凉凉好物推荐 # # 国货种草愿望清单 #