# 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 ## 下厨秘密武器 # My favorite is the braised chicken made by Ma Ma~ If you don’t have a whole chicken, you can use chicken thigh instead 🍗~ It’s super simple but super delicious! Ingredients: Onion, ginger and garlic, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar and a pinch of salt, appropriate amount of star anise and cinnamon practice: 1. Sauté the onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant, add the sliced chicken and fry until both sides are discolored and fragrant 2. Add light soy sauce cooking wine about 2:1:1, and add boiled water to submerge the chicken 3. Add a small piece of star anise cinnamon 4. It's good to collect the juice on high heat. It takes about 15 minutes. When half of it is received, add white sugar or one or two pieces of rock sugar and a pinch of salt to taste. 5. Sprinkle flowers out of the pot❀🎉🎉 especially delicious!
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# 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 ## 下厨秘密武器 # 最喜欢吃麻麻做的红烧鸡啦~没有整鸡就用鸡腿肉替代啦🍗~超级简单但是超级好吃! 配料:葱姜蒜,生抽,老抽,料酒,糖和一丢丢盐,八角桂皮适量 做法: 1.葱姜蒜爆香,加入切好的鸡肉煎至双面都变色且有香味 2.加入生抽老抽料酒差不多2:1:1,并加入白开水淹没鸡肉就可以 3.加入八角桂皮各一小块 4.大火收汁就好,大概15分钟的样子,收到一半的样子加入白砂糖或者一两块冰糖和一丢丢的盐提味 5.出锅撒花❀🎉🎉特别好吃!