Boiled crayfish is definitely our specialty 😂 Add water to a pot, add seasonings, add corn and potatoes After the water boils, put in the crayfish. After cooking, remove and add chili powder and seasoning, mix well, cover the pot and simmer for a while to make it more delicious! Simple and delicious boiled crayfish done ❤️
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水煮小龙虾肯定是我们的拿手菜😂 锅里加水倒入调味料放入玉米、土豆 等水开后放入小龙虾,煮熟后捞出加入辣椒粉、调味料混合均匀,盖上锅盖闷一下这样更入味! 简单美味的水煮小龙虾搞定❤️