# 吃货推荐 # # 吃货的日常 # # 日本拉面 # # 日式拉面 # I don't often eat delicious food in a Texas village. 日式拉面, I went to this Katsumi with my friends this time, it was quite interesting, although the taste is more westernized, But also delicious! The hellboy in the middle is especially spicy, and when it comes to the table, there is a fire on the surface! Will go next time.
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# 吃货推荐 # # 吃货的日常 # # 日本拉面 # # 日式拉面 # 住德州村里不常吃到好吃的日式拉面, 这次和好友聚会去了这家Katsumi, 还挺有趣的,虽然口味比较西化, 但也很好吃!当中那个hellboy特别辣,上桌的时候面上还冒火芯呢! 下次还会去的。