Mom's specialty dish cold sweet and sour seaweed ❤️ This dish has a strong mother taste 😂 Boil the water in the pot and add the seaweed, then remove and drain the water, prepare a bowl, add soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, vinegar and chopped green onion, then add the seaweed and stir well and serve!
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妈妈拿手菜凉拌糖醋紫菜❤️ 这款菜带着浓浓的妈妈味道😂 锅里水烧开放入紫菜然后捞出沥干水分,准备好一个碗加入酱油、麻油、糖、醋和葱花再把紫菜加入搅拌均匀即可食用啦!