Three Squirrels Jujube with Walnuts ✿✿✿❀❀ 5 out of 5 stars, 3 at most. The big crispy and sweet on the package, I only tasted the sweetness, not really crispy! And I bought it for the crisp dates, capitalized disappointment 😞 But (there is a twist here), considering that the individual packaging and the size of each jujube are really big enough, and there is a whole walnut in the middle, it is quite refreshing to eat! Dates would be perfect if they were really crisp! I won't repurchase anymore, I bought two big packs and continue to look for delicious crispy dates ^_^ # 百万积分第六季 # # 零食测评 #
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三只松鼠 枣夹核桃仁 ✿✿✿❀❀ 满分5颗星, 最多给3颗。包装上大大的脆加甜,我只尝到了甜,真的没有脆!而我买它就是冲着脆枣买的,大写的失望😞 But(此处有转折),考虑到独立包装以及每颗枣的大小真的足够大,而且中间夹着一整个核桃仁,吃起来还是挺爽的!枣如果是脆的真的就完美了!不会回购了,我买了两大包,继续寻找好吃的脆枣去了^_^ # 百万积分第六季 # # 零食测评 #