# 春日面膜打卡 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # Drop, clock in for the fourth day! Today I am sharing Sulwhasoo's peel off mask! When I planted this mask, many people said it was not easy to use, and some said it was easy to use. This is a very common use for the building! The effect is also good. This so-called "blackhead vacuum cleaner?" Smells super like that Chinese herbal cough syrup? Or make your own brown sugar flavored bubble tea. Personally I don't find it particularly unpleasant or particularly strong. This peel-off mask from Sulwhasoo mainly has three functions: shrink pores, solve clogged pores, and remove black/whiteheads. But you can still get rid of acne, acne, whatever. Instructions: 1. Clean up before painting. Moisturize with lotion! ! Very important as it will reduce the damage to the skin caused by tearing. 2. When applying the mask, I basically use my hands because it is too sticky... If yami treasures have any other useful tools, remember to tell me 😭 When you apply it on your face, it is almost like a mask, and the thickness is what you like. . Remember not to apply on hair roots, hairline, and eyebrows! Don't paint too close! Recently, the hairline is getting more and more emmmmm...hey (that's right! I always wear a hair band when I apply a mask or a mask (if I remember) so that it won't get my hair.) 3. The next step is to tear off the mask! ! Hahahahaha super comfortable take it slow! When you tear it down and look at your white and tender little face, you will smile happily hahahahahaha. If you can tear it into one piece, you will have a sense of achievement! 4. It doesn't end after tearing, you need hydration + skin care. When you are in a good mood or you are not lazy or tired, you can make another moisturizing mask! Of course, Sulwhasoo's rain moisturizing mask is also super recommended! No moisturizing mask is good! Insensitive babies can be refrigerated. 5. I think that girls who are too lazy to move after I usually finish the mask, can rest after replenishing the water and milk! Finally, let me talk about some misunderstandings that yami treasure may have. Pulling off the mask will not make your pores bigger and bigger. Remember to replenish water and use gentle techniques. You can't just tear it off like plucking... Then I don't know if the pores will be bigger😂. Okay, why am I babbling again... See you on day 5! !
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# 春日面膜打卡 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # 滴,打卡第四天啦! 今天分享的是雪花秀的撕拉面膜! 种草这款面膜的时候也是超级多人说不好用,也有超级说好用的。对于楼楼来说这款是很经常用的!效果也不错。这个号称是“黑头吸尘器?”味道超级像那种中草药的止咳糖浆?或者自己做珍珠奶茶化了的红糖味。个人不觉得特别难闻或者特别浓。 雪花秀的这款撕拉面膜主要是有三个功效:缩小毛孔,解决毛孔堵塞,还有去黑/白头。不过还是可以,祛痘,去粉刺,啥的。 使用方法: 1.涂之前的清理工作。上水乳保湿!!非常重要因为会减少撕拉对皮肤造成的伤害。 2. 上面膜,楼楼基本上是用手因为太粘稠了…要是yami宝们有什么其他好用的工具记得告诉我😭上脸的时候就差不多涂成一个面膜的形状,厚度自己喜欢就行。记得发根,发际线,眉毛的地方不要涂!也不要涂的太近啦!最近发际线越来越emmmm…哎 (对啦!涂面膜或者敷面膜的时候都会带一个发带(要是记得的话)这样不会弄到头发。) 3. 接下来就是撕面膜啦!! 哈哈哈哈哈哈 超级舒服的 慢慢来!当你撕下来看着你白嫩嫩的小脸蛋的时候你就会开心的笑了 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。要是能撕成一张就有成就感了! 4. 撕完以后并没有结束哦,需要补水+护肤。心情好或者不懒不累的时候可以再做一片补水面膜哦!当然雪花秀的雨润面膜也是超级推荐的!没有的补水的面膜就很好啦!不敏感的宝宝可放冰箱。 5.想我一般做完面膜就懒得动的妹子,可以在补完水乳就休息啦! 最后说一下有些yami宝可能有的误解,撕拉面膜不会让自己的毛孔越来越大,记得做好补水,手法轻柔。不能像拔毛一样一下子撕下来…那样我就不知道毛孔会不会大了😂。 好啦,我怎么又唠叨了一大堆…我们第五天见啦!!