I don't have any special appetite these days. I seem to have lost my passion for eating. This is really not me. My family immediately gave me a few small recipes to see which one I am interested in. I just want to drink soup. In the end, I decided to "stew the lion's head". I used to eat braised food, but I didn't like it because of the strong taste. 💗I thought the taste would be very bland, but it turned out to be rich and delicious, I ate 2 cups! ✨How to: Mince half a pound of meat stuffing with 8 water chestnuts, add salt, cooking wine, white pepper, cornstarch, an egg white, green onion and ginger water, and finally some water! ✨Knead into large meatballs and place on top of cabbage root. ✨Add water to the roast chicken stock, bring to a boil, pour it into a large meatball pot, and simmer on medium heat with the shallots and ginger slices. Finally, pick out the cabbage, onion and ginger, and put some rapeseed hearts. Season with some salt and you're done. ✨In a casserole, the longer it takes to stew, the better it tastes. The family used a cast iron pan to stew for dozens of minutes, and the taste is still very good! ## 亚米厨房 ##复刻妈妈的拿手菜 #
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这几天没什么特别的胃口,对吃好像丧失了passion,这可真的不是我,家属立刻给了我几个小食谱看我对哪个感兴趣,我就想喝汤类的。 最后决定“清炖狮子头”,以前都是吃什么红烧的,觉得味道很重不是很喜欢。 💗清炖的我以为味道会很淡,结果味道浓郁好喝,我吃了2盅! ✨做法: 肉馅半磅加8颗马蹄剁碎,加盐,料酒,白胡椒,生粉,一颗蛋清,还有葱姜水,最后适量清水! ✨揉成大肉丸,放在白菜根上面。 ✨烧鸡高汤加水,烧开,淋到大肉丸锅里,放葱段和姜片中火炖就好啦。最后要把白菜葱姜都挑出来,放点油菜心。适量盐调味就完成了。 ✨砂锅的话炖的时间越长越好吃,家属用了铸铁锅炖了几十分钟,味道还是很好! ## 亚米厨房 ## 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 #