# 炸鸡安利 # # 什么值得买 # You should be familiar with this chocolate egg roll from Uncle Quode’s, $1.99 cabbage. The two I have eaten before are cocoa and coffee. I saw a new vanilla flavor on INS yesterday, I am going to look for it on the weekend 🤩🤩 This is the original chocolate flavor. The biggest difference between it and other waffle cones is that it is long. Visually, it is about 25cm? The waffle skin on the outside is very crisp and can be melted without teeth, and the inside is full of chocolate filling. In all fairness, the sandwich taste inside cannot be said to be amazing, it is a good milk chocolate taste, slightly sweet. I can eat several at a time without knowing it hahaha The recommended index is 8️⃣8️⃣, the CP value is impeccable, a little sweet but not at all greasy, afternoon tea with coffee is a perfect match😆
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# 炸鸡安利 # # 什么值得买 # 缺德舅家這款巧克力蛋捲大家應該不陌生,$1.99白菜價味。之前吃過的兩款是可可和咖啡的。昨天在INS上看到有新出香草口味,準備週末去找找看🤩🤩 這款是巧克力原味的,它跟別的華夫蛋捲最大的不同就是它長啊,目測一根大概有25cm?外面的華夫皮很酥可以說不用牙齒就可以含化掉,裡面是滿滿的巧克力夾心。平心而論,裡面的夾心味道不能說有多驚艷,算是還不錯的牛奶巧克力口味,微甜。一次不知不覺可以吃好幾根下去哈哈哈 推薦指數8️⃣8️⃣,CP值無懈可擊,稍微有點點甜但完全不到膩的程度,下午茶搭配咖啡來幾根堪稱絕配😆