A must buy at costco 🔜 Must be this pork jerky ✔️✔️ Last time I bought a pack with the mentality of trying it out. As a result, the whole family loves it. My husband is even more exaggerated. This time he went to costco by himself. He even bought 6 packs at one time🤦🏼‍♀️ A man really can't be at home. Every time he goes to the supermarket, it is the rhythm of wholesale. I often buy a bunch of them that don't have a good shelf life🙄🙄🙄 Fortunately, the food at Costco is fresh. The shelf life is very good. This pork jerky is really delicious. It's very similar to the domestic taste. It's the best pork jerky I've ever eaten in America. Very fragrant and fresh. The serving size is also very large. A large pack has 410g. 14.05oz. It can last for a long time. But don't worry. The sealing design still has a sealant strip. If you haven't tried it, you must try it! # 百万积分第六季 #
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yami_featured_image costco必买好物🔜必须是这款猪肉脯✔️✔️ 上次我就抱着试试看的心态买了一包回来. 结果全家都爱吃.老公更夸张. 这次他自己去了一趟costco.竟然一次性买了6包🤦🏼‍♀️ 男人果然不能当家.每次他去超市一趟都是批发的节奏. 更是经常买了一堆保质期不够好的🙄🙄🙄 好在costco的食物都跟新鲜.保质期都很赞. 这款猪肉脯真的很好吃.很像国内的味道. 是我在美国这么久吃过算是最好吃的猪肉脯. 很香也很新鲜. 份量也很足.一大包有410g.14.05oz. 可以挺久的.不过不用担心.封口设计还是有密封胶条滴 没试过的一定要试试哟!# 百万积分第六季 #