Jiangzhong Hougu rice thin-favorite for stomach nourishing breakfast ❤️ In fact, I don’t know any other stomach-supporting breakfasts, but I think this is not bad. I have repurchased it many times, but Yami is still out of stock, especially the 6 bags, which is really worrying. 😑 This Jiangzhong Hougu rice is rare in two packages, one is a 6-pack, that is, the one in the picture has a paper cup, a spoon, rice thin and condensed milk. The other is a 15-pack, which only contains rice thin, but the price will be much more cost-effective. Personally, I still like to buy 6 bags. I think it is super convenient to eat. In addition, rice water is really delicious with condensed milk. I have tried it with milk, honey, or eating it directly, but it is not very delicious. So I would rather be more expensive, or buy 6 bags for breakfast. Mi Xi itself nourishes the stomach. For office workers or students who do not eat breakfast on time, it is very convenient to make a cup in the morning, and it is also good for the stomach. When brewing, remember not to heat too much or too little water, which will affect the taste. If you haven't tried it yet, you can buy it and try it out. Recommended recommended. 🥰🥰 PS. The cookies 🍪 in the third picture are bought separately and have been introduced before. # 这些饮品好喝到飞起 # # 开箱大吉 # # 什么值得买 # # 百万积分第六季 # # 养生 #
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yami_featured_image 江中猴姑米稀-养胃早餐最爱❤️ 其实也不知道还有什么其他的养胃早餐,就觉得这款还不错,回购了很多次,但是亚米依旧一直断货,尤其是6袋装,实在让人着急。😑 这款江中猴姑米稀有两种包装,一种是6包装,就是图中这种有纸杯,有勺子,有米稀还有炼乳。另一种是15包装,里面只有米稀,但价格会划算很多。 个人还是喜欢买6袋装的,觉得吃起来超方便,另外米稀真的要搭配炼乳才好吃,之前尝试过搭配牛奶,蜂蜜,或者直接吃,都不是很好吃。所以宁可贵一点,还是买6袋装的,拿来当早餐吃。 米稀本身养胃,对于上班族或者学生党不按时吃早餐的,早上冲一杯很方便,对胃也好。冲的时候切记加热水不要过多或过少,很影响口感。还没有尝试过的小伙伴,可以买来试看看。推荐推荐。🥰🥰 PS. 第三张图片中的饼干🍪是单独买的,之前也有介绍过。 # 这些饮品好喝到飞起 # # 开箱大吉 # # 什么值得买 # # 百万积分第六季 # # 养生 #