#这些饮品好喝到飞起 ##拜託了冰箱 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationb8d9d230a81a45078 This drink to recommend is a drink containing bird's nest! When I saw this drink for the first time, the thought in my mind was, will bird's nest drink taste good? A few months later, one of my sisters happened to give me a drink on the way to the airport. I was really amazed by the taste of this drink! The design is also very small and cute, he is the nature of a tie, but the cover is a little iron. So if you open the cap after a long time, there will be a very cute sound. Of course, please remember to ask your bottle caps, otherwise it will be easy to spill!
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# 这些饮品好喝到飞起 ## 拜託了冰箱 # # 百万积分第六季 # 这一款要推荐的饮料是含有燕窝的饮料!第一次看到这款饮料的时候心里的想法是燕窝饮料会好喝吗?过几月一个姐姐在送我去机场的路上正好给我喝了一瓶。当时我真的被这饮料的味道给惊艳到了!设计也非常的小巧可爱,他是一个领带的性质,不过盖子是有一点铁质的。所以放久了再开瓶盖的话会有很可爱的声音。当然宝们记得要您好瓶盖,要不然很容易撒!