# 这些饮品好喝到飞起 # # 拜託了冰箱 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation0d2d0c3cc44f44e7aa2dbe Net red packaging mineral water. The main purpose of this mineral water is the effect of environmental protection. I hope everyone pays attention to environmental protection and hygiene. This one is available at Yami! He has two packs, and the one I posted today has a larger capacity. Yami also has a small box, about half of it is also very cute and small. Take this to take pictures, it is really the best choice!
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# 这些饮品好喝到飞起 # # 拜託了冰箱 # # 百万积分第六季 # 网红包装矿泉水。这款矿泉水主打的就是环保的效果,希望大家都注意环保,还有卫生。这款在Yami是有的哦!他有两个包装,今天晒的这一款他是更大的容量。Yami还有一个小盒装,大概是这个一半也特别的可爱小巧哦。拿这个去拍照,真的是不二人选!