# 什么值得买 # # 亚米开箱 # # 我要上精选 # # 化妆技术妈妈感动哭了 # # 亚米好物 # high shadow Yami buy Etude House light stick that is pony Great God had recommended students to evaluate high-shaded light bar With Super their expectations may have after I bought The reason why I don't know how to make up is a bit hard to push away... and it seems that the shadow has no effect and the nose is still so short. Hahaha, it may be that I don't know how to wear makeup, but the advantage is that it is quite cheap!
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# 什么值得买 # # 亚米开箱 # # 我要上精选 # # 化妆技术妈妈感动哭了 # # 亚米好物 #在亚米买的爱丽小屋的阴影高光棒 这个是pony大神推荐过的学生评价阴影高光棒 怀着超级期待的心情买了之后 可能有我不会化妆的原因吧 有点难推开……而且好像阴影没什么效果 鼻子还是那么矮哈哈哈 感觉可能是自己不会化妆吧 但是好处是挺便宜的!