Samyang Spicy Chicken Noodles with curry flavor, have you tried it? This time, I bought it excitedly to try it, but I was a little disappointed after eating it... The basic taste is still the sweet and spicy taste of spicy chicken noodles, but the newly added curry (Japanese curry taste) really does not match the sweet and spicy taste. .. the two are a bit of a conflict, and the curry is a bit of a play. And the difference from the normal version is that the dried cabbage has changed from seaweed to dried cabbage(?), carrots and minced meat, all of which are not my favorite 😂 I think the most successful flavor of his family is the pink cheese version, followed by the yellow cheddar cheese version. I will not repurchase the curry flavored one. # 我要当测评官第7期 ## 百万积分第六季 #
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咖喱味的三养辣鸡面,你们有没有试过? 这次兴冲冲的买了试吃,不过吃完有点失望...基础的底味还是辣鸡面的甜辣味,但新添加的咖喱(日式咖喱口味)和甜辣真的不搭...两者有点冲突,咖喱有点抢戏。而且和普通版不同的是,干菜包从海苔变成了干白菜(?)、胡萝卜和肉糜,都不是我喜欢的😂 他家口味上的创新我觉得最成功的是粉色的芝士版,其次是黄色车打芝士版。 咖喱味的这款我不会回购。 # 我要当测评官第7期 ## 百万积分第六季 #