# 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation184bfafacd6240ebb4619cea211e8c16 #Suddenly wanted to buy pasta, and saw that the comments were all unanimous, so I bought it in the mood to give it a try. Yesterday, there was nothing to eat at home. I suddenly thought that I had not eaten the braised noodles I bought, so I made it according to the instructions. I took a bowl of water from the bowl of noodles in Figure 3 and boiled it, then poured the noodles into the pot. Then put in the seasoning packet and cook it for about seven or eight minutes... It's good to put it out... It looks very light, but the soup is really fresh, mainly because of the seasoning packet... The noodles are very strong, I haven't eaten Henan noodles before, I don't know how delicious the authentic ones are, but I think this one is ok, it's delicious, I like it very much, I will repurchase
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# 我要当测评官第7期 #突然想买面食,看到评论里都是一致好评,所以抱着试试看的心情买来尝尝。昨天家里没啥可吃的了,突然想到买的烩面还没吃,就完全按照食用说明来做的,就用图3里盛面的碗取了一碗水烧开后,把面倒进锅里,然后放入调料包,煮了大约七八分钟吧……盛出来就好了……看着挺清淡的,但是确实汤很鲜,主要是调料包的功劳吧……面很劲道,我之前没有吃货河南烩面,不知道正宗的有多好吃,但是这个我觉得可以了,很好吃,很喜欢,会回购的