🍋Delicious enough to fly · passion fruit drink🍋 # 这些饮品好喝到飞起 ## 百万积分第六季 # This is the passion fruit special drink I drank at the 626 Night Market before~ There is really a lot of passion fruit pulp in it, which is very affordable and delicious. 100 likes👍 Summer is coming again haha you know~ Thanks for watching 🙏🏻
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🍋好喝到飞起的·百香果饮品🍋 # 这些饮品好喝到飞起 ## 百万积分第六季 # 这是之前去吃626夜市喝到的百香果特饮~ 里面真的有很多百香果果肉 很实惠很好喝 一百个赞👍 夏天又快到了 哈哈你懂的~ 谢谢观看🙏🏻