# 萌新报道 ## #家有萌宠大曝光# # Our family Erha is almost nine years old, and little Teddy is also six years old My family's Erha is a Siberian breed, which is much smaller than Alaskan dogs, and is a double-haired long-haired dog. It changes its coat when the season changes. Only the bottom layer of short hair (the inner layer of cold-proof hair) is replaced. The outer long hair will not fall off. This is Siberia Characteristics of a dog
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# 萌新报道 ## #家有萌宠大曝光# # 我们家二哈已经快九岁了 小泰迪也有6岁了时间真的快到有点不敢相信 回过头去看 发现自己已经错过了很多很多 我家的二哈是西伯利亚犬品种 体型相对阿拉斯加犬小很多 而且还是双种毛的长毛犬 换季就换毛 只换底层的短毛(里层防寒的毛) 外层长毛不会脱落 这是西伯利亚犬的特征 反正一换毛 我家的地毯上就是满地的狗毛 求推荐好用又不累人的刮毛神器