Probably the best tomato I have eaten in the past ten years 🍅 How delicious can tomatoes be? I don't know either, but this one seems to make up for the regret of "no tomato flavor..." every time I buy tomatoes The skin is thin and easy to tear, and you don't even need to scald boiling water. After the red gauze is removed, the skin is still full and smooth; if the tomatoes you usually eat are rough skin and thick meat, this is probably a lady who is carefully cared for in the palm of your hand. . From the outside to the inside, first crispy, then crispy, and then sand and soft, full of juice; before tasting it carefully, only the scoop of the cold-sky version remains in the mouth. I ate one raw and made scrambled eggs with tomatoes. My dad kept saying that such good tomatoes were wasted; but I haven't eaten scrambled eggs with breast persimmons that are so delicious without tomato sauce and have a strong tomato flavor for a long time. Well, for me this is the best place for tomatoes. # 三食三餐 # # 夏日色彩打卡 # #red#
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Yamiセレクション 可能是近十年来吃过最好吃的番茄🍅 番茄能有多好吃?我也不知道,但是这一颗似乎弥补了我每次买番茄时“没有番茄味哎…”的遗憾 皮薄且好撕,甚至不需要烫开水,褪下红纱后外皮仍然饱满光滑;若平时吃到的番茄都是皮糙肉厚之流,这个大概是被捧在手心里精心呵护的大家闺秀。 由外而内,先脆,后酥,再来是沙与软并行,饱含汁水;还未细细品味口中只留下似寒天版口感的瓢。 生吃了一个剩下都做了番茄炒蛋,我爸直嚷嚷浪费那么好的番茄;但真的很久没吃到不加番茄沙司都能那么好吃且有浓郁番茄味的胸柿炒鸡蛋了,对我来说这就是番茄最好的归宿。 # 三食三餐 # # 夏日色彩打卡 # #红色#