# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 低卡美食 # My kitchen should have all kinds of herbs and spices 😊 Spices and herbs are basically zero calorie, no burden to eat, but they can add a lot of flavor to food, It tastes delicious with any food. My family members are losing weight recently, and every day I rack my brains to make delicious and healthy meals for him. Today's chicken rice he likes very much, if it weren't for losing fat, he said he could eat several plates 🤣 This chicken rice tastes a bit like an Indian Biryani, but with a greek yogurt sauce, it's a little more Mediterranean. The taste is very special, and it is very easy to make. I recommend everyone to try it. Rice and chicken take more time. You can prepare the rice first. I replaced the water with chicken broth and added some turmeric powder and salt when steaming the rice. It tastes much better than ordinary white rice. It is recommended to steam the rice first, then fry the chicken, adjust the sauce when the chicken is cooked, and stir-fry the vegetables by the way. I garnished with scallions and toasted coconut flakes for the final serving. ✨Chicken✨ <ingredients> • 1 chicken breast, cut in the middle • 1/2 tsp cumin powder / Cumin powder • 1/2 tsp ginger powder / Ground ginger • 1/2 tsp salt / Salt • 1/4 tsp black pepper / Black pepper • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon / Cinnamon • 1/4 tsp chili powder / Cayenne powder • 1/4 tsp Allspice / Allspice • 1/8 tsp clove powder / Clove <How to> 1⃣️Mix all the spices, stir well, apply to both sides of the chicken breast. 2⃣️Add a spoonful of coconut oil to a hot cast iron pan. After the oil is hot, put the chicken breasts into the pan and fry for about 8 minutes, flip over and fry for another 8 minutes. ✨Small bell peppers✨ <ingredients> • 6-7 colored mini bell peppers / Mini sweet peppers • 1 Tbsp minced garlic / Minced garlic • Green onions of 3 shallots • Lemon juice of 1/6 lemon / Lemon juice <How to> 1⃣️ Heat a pan and add a tablespoon of olive oil, add minced garlic and scallions and fry until fragrant. 2⃣️ Stir fry the bell peppers, about 1-2 minutes until soft, drain and add lemon juice. ✨yogurt sauce✨ <ingredients> • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt / Plain Greek yogurt • Lemon juice of 1/6 lemon / Lemon juice • Salt •Black pepper <How to> Mix well in a bowl Check in Day 1
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Yamiセレクション # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 低卡美食 # 我家厨房最多的应该就是各种各样的香草和香料了😊香料(spices)和香草(herbs)基本上都是零卡路里,吃起来毫无负担,但是可以给食物增加很多口味上的层次感,搭配好任何食物都吃起来非常美味。 最近家属在减肥,每天我都绞尽脑汁给他做美味的健康餐。今天的鸡肉饭他非常爱吃,要不是因为在减脂,他说还能吃好几盘🤣 这个鸡肉饭吃起来味道有点像印度餐的Biryani,但是因为加了希腊酸奶的酱,又有些像地中海风味。口感非常特别,做起来也很容易,推荐大家试试。 比较花时间的是米饭和鸡肉,可以先准备米饭,我在蒸米饭的时候把水换成了鸡汤并且加了一些姜黄粉(Turmeric powder)和盐,做出来比普通的白米饭口感好多了。 建议先蒸米饭,之后煎鸡肉,等鸡肉熟的时候调酱,顺便炒菜。最后装盘的时候,我用了葱和烤椰子片(toasted coconut) 做装饰。 ✨鸡肉✨ <食材> • 1块鸡胸肉,从中间切开 • 1/2 tsp 孜然粉 / Cumin powder • 1/2 tsp 姜粉 / Ground ginger • 1/2 tsp 盐/ Salt • 1/4 tsp 黑胡椒 / Black pepper • 1/4 tsp 肉桂粉 / Cinnamon • 1/4 tsp 辣椒粉 / Cayenne powder • 1/4 tsp 多香果 / Allspice • 1/8 tsp 丁香粉 / Clove <做法> 1⃣️将所有香料混合,搅拌均匀后,涂抹到鸡胸肉的两面。 2⃣️在铸铁锅中热锅加入一勺椰子油,油热后将鸡胸肉放入锅中,煎大概8分钟左右翻面再煎8分钟。 ✨小甜椒✨ <食材> • 6-7个彩色小甜椒 / Mini sweet peppers • 1 Tbsp 蒜蓉 / Minced garlic • 3颗小葱的葱白 / Green onions • 1/6颗柠檬的柠檬汁 / Lemon juice <做法> 1⃣️平底锅烧热后加入一勺橄榄油, 加蒜蓉和葱白炒香。 2⃣️下彩椒翻炒,约1-2分钟至炒软,盛出,加入柠檬汁。 ✨酸奶酱✨ <食材> •1/2 cup 原味希腊酸奶 / Plain Greek yogurt •1/6颗柠檬的柠檬汁 / Lemon juice •盐 / Salt •黑胡椒 / Black pepper <做法> 在碗中混合均匀 打卡第1天