# 百万积分第7季 # BESTORE’s three-piece braised lotus root set is spicy and barbecued with lotus root cloves and spiced lotus root slices… Spicy and very early original taste, I personally think it’s very delicious. Sweet and spicy black duck Feel… The barbecue doesn’t look like there are peppers but it’s not very Spicy and spiced, just glutinous, nothing special... BESTORE's braised lotus root should be the best sold on Yami
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# 百万积分第7季 # 良品铺子卤藕三件套 香辣和烧烤是藕丁 五香是藕片… 香辣的很早的原版口味 我个人感觉非常好吃甜辣黑鸭Feel… 烧烤别看有辣椒 但是不是很辣 五香的就糯糯的 没啥很特别… 良品铺子的卤藕应该是亚米上卖的最好吃的