# #家有萌宠大曝光# # # 百万积分第7季 # Ann goes to Augusta on the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the grandfathers of the little friends are also in Augusta. Every year we go there whenever there is a holiday, to visit the 90-year-old grandmother, and to see their horses🐎, the light brown is the mother, mother and son The grass in the front yard was nibbled clean, the noon was hot and dry, and the mother and son rested in the shade of the tree 🐎Although the horse is silent, the gentle eyes look at you quietly, and let the little pot friend stroke. Don't look at grandmother's 90-year-old age. She drove to the supermarket by herself, went to church on weekends💒, and also planted tomatoes, carrots, green peppers, bell peppers, asparagus, eggplant, kale green, etc. She said that when people are busy, they don't feel like themselves. In old age, life does not end, struggle ceaselessly. 🐎Ma'er went back to the stable at night, she was on her favorite TV station, lying on the bed doing crosswords and coloring games, like a little friend, may time be safe for her🌸
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# #家有萌宠大曝光# # # 百万积分第7季 # Ann在中秋节去Augusta,小盆友的祖父们也在Augusta,每年只要有假期我们都会去,去探望九十高龄的祖母,也去看他们的马儿🐎,浅棕色的是妈妈,母子俩把前院的草儿啃个精光,正午炎热干燥,母子俩就在树荫小憩 🐎虽然马儿不言不语,温柔的双眼静静看着你,任由小盆友抚摸。别看祖母九十岁高龄,自己开车去超市,周末去教堂💒,还种了番茄、胡萝卜🥕、青椒、彩椒、芦笋、茄子、kale green等等,她说人忙下来才不会觉得自己在老去,生命不止,奋斗不息。 🐎夜晚马儿回了马厩,她开着喜欢的电视台,躺在床上做着填字、涂色游戏,像个小盆友一般,愿时光待她安好🌸