# 五行缺辣 # # 亚米食谱 #The famous Xin Ramen has always been popular, and the noodles are known to be delicious. Today, I decided to try a new way of eating, that is, soaking ramen noodles with milk, and accidentally opened a new door for instant noodles. Although I have heard of milk-flavored instant noodles before, but I dare not try it easily. Cooked it today, only to realize that I should try it sooner. The ramen noodles soaked with Nestle milk powder just neutralized the spiciness, and the spicy star is very friendly to eat. Even, I ate cheese flavor? ! It's a little bit addictive, but it's delicious!
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Yamiセレクション # 五行缺辣 # # 亚米食谱 #大名鼎鼎的辛拉面一直都很火,面条好吃众所皆知。 今天我决定尝试一下新吃法,那就是用牛奶泡辛拉面,一不小心打开了泡面界的新大门了。虽然在此之前就有听说过牛奶味泡面,但轻易不敢尝试。今天煮了一下,才发现应该早点试试看的。用了雀巢奶粉泡的辛拉面,刚好中和了辣度,微辣星人吃起来很友好。甚至,我吃到了芝士味?!虽然有点味道有点迷,但是真好吃!