# 消灭0评晒 ## 被二哥种草了 # I found a treasure by accident🏴‍☠️, bought it from Yami’s event a few days ago💰, and it feels really good after drinking it. There are still events, don't miss it. I tried two kinds of mango🥭 and lychee. I prefer mango🥭. The taste is not too sweet, not greasy, fresh and delicious. 🍶 There are also a lot of orchid seeds in it. Lanxiang seeds have always been used as a gut scavenger and can be used as afternoon tea🍵 and supper meal replacements😯.
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Yamiセレクション # 消灭0评晒 ## 被二哥种草了 # 无意发现了一个宝藏🏴‍☠️,前几天亚米搞活动💰买的,喝了之后觉得真的很不错啊。现在还有活动,大家千万不要错过呀。尝试了芒果🥭味和荔枝味两种,更喜欢芒果🥭味的,味道不会很甜,不会觉得腻,清新可口。🍶里面还有好多兰香子,兰香子素来有肠道清道夫的作用,可作为下午茶🍵和夜宵代餐哦😯。