❥The pink box biscuit gift box from AkaiBohshi red hat🎁 contains 🈶️59 kinds of cookies, egg rolls, chocolates, etc., and there are many styles. The taste is also very good, and my teammates have fallen in love with it deeply! Threatened to buy two more boxes... 🤣🤣🤣 Really every kind is delicious, can't stop, if you don't control it, you can finish it in a day! #亚米好物 # # 亚米断货王 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation144955d686d84b509
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Yamiセレクション ❥来自AkaiBohshi红帽子的粉盒子饼干礼盒🎁里面🈶️59枚各式饼干、蛋卷、巧克力等,款式多多。口感也很好,队友已经深深的爱上了它!扬言还要再去买两盒起…🤣🤣🤣 真的每一种都好吃,停不下来,不控制的话一天都能解决完啊! # 亚米好物 # # 亚米断货王 # # 消灭0评晒 #