# #Meco玩真的# # The first time I tried Meco juice tea, the peach peach red grapefruit flavor is really delicious, I recommend everyone to buy it! I'm curious about other flavors and they look delicious too, I plan to try them all in the future. 💗 I think the sweetness of the drink is just right, not too sweet, you can drink the taste of tea, but not too strong to steal the limelight. The tea has a strong taste of peach🍑. I feel that the taste of peach is stronger than that of red pomelo. People who like peaches must love this. I think adding ice cubes is even better! It's better than the drinks sold in the US haha, I really can't get used to the sweet and damn drinks here. 😂
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# #Meco玩真的# # 第一次尝试Meco果汁茶,桃桃红柚味真的好好喝,推荐大家购买!我很好奇别的味道,看起来也很好喝,我打算以后都试试。💗 饮料的甜度我觉得正好,不会过甜,能喝到茶的味道,但是又不会太浓抢了风头。茶里面有浓浓的水蜜桃🍑味,我感觉水蜜桃比红柚的味道要浓,喜欢桃子的一定很爱这个,我觉得再加冰块更好喝呢!比美国卖的饮料都好喝哈哈,我实在喝不惯这里甜的要死的饮料。😂