# 今天也是yami的一天 # & American sungold Japanese double-layer octopus ball machine This time I recommend this octopus ball machine from Yami, which is easy to operate and has a high success rate. There is a special takoyaki powder sold on Yami, if you don't buy it, it doesn't matter. Share my experience of making slurry: 100 grams of low flour ➕ 200 grams of water ➕ an egg ➕ a little baking powder, mix well, refrigerate for 30 minutes, and then you can refrigerate for 30 minutes 😃 Friendly reminder that this machine can also be used for sautéing. Put wonton wrappers in each circle and add your favorite fillings✌🏻
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# 今天也是yami的一天 # & 美国sungold 日系家用双层章鱼小丸子机 这次推荐一下亚米的这款章鱼小丸子机,操作简单,成功率极高。亚米上有卖专门的章鱼烧粉,如果没买到也不要紧。分享一下我制浆料的经验:低粉100克➕水200克➕一个鸡蛋 ➕一点点 baking powder 混个均匀后冰箱冷藏30分钟后就可以啦😃 友情提示用这个机子也可以做生煎呦,每个圆内放上馄饨皮加上喜欢吃的馅料就可以啦✌🏻