# 爱吃又想瘦 # Have a nutritious banana avocado shake for breakfast! I used up a quarter of the butter last time, and then I have a banana and some frozen fruit from Berry (it's very common in supermarkets, mainly for seasoning, without these, bare avocado or bare bananas are also super delicious) Then pour the milk (you can pour less if you want to drink thicker, it depends on the individual. Then this box of cereals, I bought it entirely from the pictures on the packaging, but it was delicious! Because it is not soaked soft, crunchy. The cornflakes I buy will be soaked soft... You can add some fruit you like, such as strawberries and blueberries, and stir! A delicious milkshake is ready! Simple, convenient, delicious and nutritious!
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# 爱吃又想瘦 # 早餐来份营养好吃的香蕉牛油果奶昔吧! 我把上次的四分之一牛油用掉了,然后还有一根香蕉,一些Berry的冻水果(超市里很常,主要是调味,不加这些,光牛油果或者光香蕉也超好喝)然后倒牛奶(如果想喝浓的可以少倒些,看个人。 然后这辆盒谷物,完全是看包装的图片买的,但是很好吃!因为不被泡软,脆脆的。我买的玉米片就会被泡软…可以再加些自己喜欢吃的水果,比如草莓蓝莓,搅拌一下! 超好吃的奶昔做好啦!简洁方便好吃又营养!