# 爱吃又想瘦 # I would like to recommend to you a small snack that I have been eating recently. that's a sabre samurai cookie There are many flavors. Let’s start with my favorite flavor of [Milk Egg Custard]. Take a bite. Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The milky fragrance is mixed with egg fragrance. I ate a few packs in a row. I'm not tired at all A perfect match! There are 8 individual small packages in a bag. Easy to carry and hygienic. When a person is chasing a drama, he can't stop eating! tell yourself not to be fat Recommend!
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Yamiセレクション # 爱吃又想瘦 # 给大伙们推荐一款我最近在吃的小零食. 那就是莎布蕾·武士曲奇 口味很多种.先来说说我最喜欢【牛奶鸡蛋羹】口味. 一口咬下去.外酥内嫩. 奶香味中掺杂着鸡蛋香. 连续吃了几包.一点也腻 很完美的搭配! 一袋里有8个独立小包装. 方便携带也卫生. 一个人追剧的时候吧唧吧唧吃不停! 告诉自己不肥不肥 推荐哦!