🍜How to make spicy rice noodles with 【Spicy Bobo Chicken Seasoning】! 🍜 Received a box of Yami today, my Bo Bo chicken seasoning has finally arrived! Do it now! Can't wait! This time, instead of making chuanchuanxiang, I will make rice noodles! 🍜The rice noodle is also from Yami, it is easy to cook and delicious, the link is in the last picture. Other dishes can be prepared at will. I can cut whatever I have at home. The cooked food such as luncheon meat and dried tofu can be cut directly. Other dishes need to be boiled in hot water. The seasoning this time is a little different from last time. Last time, it was two small portions in a bag. This time, it was a large portion. I poured half of it in the same way. The bone broth was boiled and stirred evenly. Add all the cooked vegetables and cook them. Good rice noodle! Add some pepper oil or sesame oil. Dang Dang Dang! A big pot of spicy rice noodles is ready! My husband raved about it! Really really delicious! Promise me, you must try it if you love spicy food! # 五行缺辣 # # 爱吃又想瘦 #
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Yamiセレクション 🍜如何用【香辣钵钵鸡调料】做麻辣米线! 🍜今天收到一箱亚米,我的钵钵鸡调料终于到啦!赶紧做起来!迫不及待!这次不做串串香,做米线! 🍜米线也啊来自亚米,好煮又好吃,链接在最后一图。其他菜品随意准备,我是家里有啥就切啥,午餐肉豆腐干这些熟食直接切好就行,其他类要热水焯熟。这次的调料跟上次有些不同,上次是一袋里面两小份,这次是一大份,我一样倒一半,骨头汤冲开搅拌均匀,放入所有熟了的菜,放入煮好的米线!再放些花椒油或者麻椒油。当当当当!一大盆麻辣米线好啦!我老公赞不绝口!真的真的太好吃了!答应我,爱吃辣的一定要试试! # 五行缺辣 # # 爱吃又想瘦 #