# 双十一必囤 # 10/11 Rosette Facial Exfoliating Gel Cream The price of cabbage. The exfoliating effect is also praised. And the Cosme Award is also the first. So cosme fans don't want to know about it. This blue one is a classic. It is suitable for any skin type. And it is super mild. It is not irritating to the skin at all. It will not be red. And it contains lactic acid. Oxidation. That is, anti-aging! Anti-wrinkle! The method of use is also quite simple. Just squeeze it out and spread it evenly on the face. Then massage it in a circular motion. Release from the skin. How important is exfoliation. I believe you all know that you love beautiful ones. It is recommended that 1-2 times a week is enough. 18% off stock
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Yamiセレクション # 双十一必囤 # 10/11 Rosette 脸部去角质啫喱膏 白菜价格.去角质功效也赞. 而且Cosme大赏还第一位. 所以cosme迷妹们不要可以了解一下. 蓝色这款算经典款.适合任何肤质.而且超级温和的.对皮肤一点都不刺激.不会发红.而且含有乳酸.柠檬算.以及苹果酸.都是好东西.都是具有抗氧化作用.也就是防老!防皱! 使用方式也蛮简单的.就挤一坨出来.均匀涂抹在脸上.然后就是轻轻打圈按摩.根据介绍这是利用搓出来的高分子胶质把废旧角质给粘起来.使老废皮肤从皮肤中脱离. 去角质有多重要.相信爱漂亮的你都知道.建议一周1-2次足够了. 88折囤货