# 今天也是yami的一天 # # 疫情宅家 # Because of the epidemic, I was at home every day and wanted to eat snacks. Super satisfied and happy! My husband was so happy that he was so happy that he jumped in place for five or six times hahahaha 😂 I will go to the next order later!
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# 今天也是yami的一天 # # 疫情宅家 # 疫情原因天天在家,超级想吃零食,我老公心心念念的冒菜补货了,第一时间冲去下了一单,加上我的奶茶和零食,满满一大箱,超级满足开心!我老公更是开心到飞起,原地跳了五六下哈哈哈哈😂等会儿就再去下一单!