# 2020新年flag #I clock in in May, my Yami life is like this... Recently I love spicy food, especially after I received all kinds of self-heating pots, the acne on my face was also excited, and I took it out decisively Yami's face masks, the two SNP ones I have been using all the time, they are super easy to use for me, and they are very comfortable to apply on my face. The other two cute babies were bought by Yami during a gift event some time ago. Try it, and my favorite pig nose sticker. I can't find this link label, but it is easy to find. You can search by yourself. The backing of eating spicy food 😂😂, summer is coming, everyone should remember to take care of your face, put on a mask that has been iced in advance at night, it will be cool ❤️❤️❤️
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Yamiセレクション # 2020新年flag #五月打卡啦,我的亚米生活是这样滴……最近特别爱吃辣,尤其是收到了各种自热锅之后,我脸上的痘痘也兴奋了许多,果断的拿出亚米囤的面膜,SNP的那两款是我一直在用的,对我来说超级好用,敷在脸上特别舒服的,另外两款可爱宝宝是亚米前段时间买赠活动顺势买来试试看的,还有我超爱的猪鼻贴,找不到这款链接标签,但很容易搜到,大家可以自己搜搜,都是我一直以来坚持囤货的必备款,是我可以大胆吃辣的后盾😂😂,夏天到啦,大家要记得脸部护理哦,晚上敷个提前冰好的面膜,爽呆呆哟❤️❤️❤️