【Zihai Pot Claypot Rice】Mushroom Beef|Sichuan Sausage Some time ago, I bought a freshly bought Zihai Pot, and I caught up with Tomorrow's Son before I started to eat it. I was brainwashed by advertisements every day and decided to eat it together when I watched the show👍 The material package includes rice, vegetables, sauce, water, and self-heating package. Sichuan-style sausage has an extra package of spicy sauce on the basis of the claypot rice soy sauce. The amount of food is average, and after adding the ingredients, you can eat a seven-point fullness. Added poached eggs and peas myself. Personally, I think Sichuan-style sausages are better than mushroom beef, and have the taste of claypot rice. Mushroom beef feels no different from rice swept with rice. As a convenience food with a unit price of ten dollars, I personally feel that the cost performance is not high. After all, it is about ten dollars to eat a set meal outside. But in terms of taste, it is indeed an excellent convenience food, and its own water pack is very suitable for going out.
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Yamiセレクション 【自嗨锅煲仔饭】菌菇牛肉|川味腊肠 前段时间图新鲜买的自嗨锅,还没开吃就赶上明日之子开播,天天被广告洗脑决定一定要看节目的时候配合食用👍 料包有米、菜、酱、水、自热包,川味腊肠在煲仔饭酱油的基础上多一包辣酱。饭菜量一般,自己加料后可以吃个七分饱的程度。自己加了水煮蛋和豌豆。个人觉得川味腊肠比菌菇牛肉好吃,有煲仔饭那味儿了。菌菇牛肉感觉跟饭扫光配饭没啥区别。作为一款单价快十刀的方便食品个人觉得性价比不高,毕竟外面吃一份套饭也就十刀左右。但从味道上来说确实是一款优秀的方便食品,自带水包很适合外出。