# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # I can’t remember how many times I repurchased this snail noodle from the snail king. Haha, I always buy a dozen bags and store them at home. Slowly eating snail soup at home is very umami and full of ingredients. My favorite is yuba and peanuts 😜 I'm not very fond of spicy food. This treasure of Luobawang's boiled type is really delicious and fragrant.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 都已经记不得是多少次回购这款螺霸王的螺蛳粉了哈哈哈 每次都是买个十几袋儿囤在家里慢慢吃 螺蛳汤很鲜味儿很足 料包也很良心 每份都是饱满的 最爱的是腐竹和花生嘻嘻 😜 本人不太能吃辣 螺霸王的这款珍品水煮型真的很对味,也很香❤️嗦粉快乐~吃了一次就被种草 从此只买这款☺️