# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # The brand of Xiang Piao Piao is really an old tree with new clothes! Recently, there are a lot of new flavors, such as taro, brown sugar milk tea, and peach peach! I bought 3 cups of this fragrant red bean-flavored milk tea before. The red bean flavor is very strong. There is a bag of honey red beans in it, which is very delicious. red bean paste. 🍰I made an original cake roll. When whipping cream in the middle, I added Xiangpiao Piao milk tea powder directly. About one-third of it was used, and 20 grams of sugar was added. Finally, the finished cream had a very fragrant red bean milk tea flavor. , and very dense, really very delicious. I feel that I suddenly found a secret to making the cream have a strong flavor, just add different flavors of Xiang Piao Piao milk tea powder! Come and try it, it's super delicious! What a sudden discovery of a new continent! 📝The shape of the cake roll still needs practice, it is a little flat, but the taste is not bad, especially the cream I am very satisfied! ㊙️ 📝What is the delicious taste of Xiang Piao Piao, I hope everyone will recommend it!
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Yamiセレクション # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 香飘飘这个品牌真是老树换新衣哇!最近上了特别多的新口味,香芋,黑糖奶茶,还有啵啵桃桃!之前这个香飘飘红豆味的奶茶买了3连杯,红豆味非常浓郁,里面有一袋蜜红豆特别好吃,软软糯糯的,不会太甜,富含红豆香气,像是奶茶店加的红豆小料。 🍰我做的一个原味蛋糕卷,中间打奶油的时候直接加的香飘飘奶茶粉进去,大概用了3分之一,再加入20克的糖,最后成品奶油有很香浓的红豆奶茶风味,又很绵密,真心非常好吃。感觉自己突然发现一个让奶油有香浓风味的秘诀,加入不同口味的香飘飘奶茶粉就行!大家快来试一试,超级香甜!真是突然发现新大陆! 📝蛋糕卷造型还需要练习,有一些扁平,不过味道还不错,尤其是奶油我非常满意!㊙️ 📝香飘飘有什么好喝的味道呀,希望大家来推荐一下!