# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # I recommend a relatively small sauce for everyone, Japanese kewpie salad dressing. Did Yami even sell salad dressing? The variety seems to be getting richer. I wanted to lose weight a while ago, so I ate a few meals. I'm not very used to American salad dressings, so I was looking for Asian dressings at Yami and looked to choose this Kewpie's Mayonnaise Mayonnaise. A bag of 500g, 5.99. The packaging is simple with a cupid doll drawn on it. The taste is still good, salty, and definitely better than the American one. In addition to salads, it can also be spread on fruits and bread. It is said that it does not add flavor and coloring, and it is very healthy.
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Yamiセレクション # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 给大家推荐一个比较小众的酱料,日本的kewpie丘比色拉酱。亚米连色拉酱也卖是不是没想到?感觉品种真是越来越丰富了。 前一阵子想瘦身,于是吃了几顿草。我不太习惯美国的沙拉酱,于是就在亚米找亚洲酱料,看来看去选择这款丘比的美乃滋蛋黄酱。 一袋500g,5.99。包装很简单,上面画了一个丘比特娃娃。味道还是不错的,咸口,肯定比美国的好吃,除了色拉,还可以涂在水果和面包上。说是不添加香精色素的,很健康。